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Showmie University Show-Off [S.U.S.O]


Showmie University Show-Off [S.U.S.O]

                                                              November 30, 2019 - December 01, 2019

November 30, 2019 - December 01, 2019



Sango Ota, Ogun. Nigeria [NG]

Cucrid, Covenant University

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S.U.S.O is a fashion weekend for Undergraduates, Post-graduates and recent graduates from tertiary institutions, making host to prominent icons. This is to showcase, award and give prizes to the most creatives, innovative emerging fashion professionals in 8 fashion categories listed on the Showmie platform which are Outfit design, Makeup artist, hair stylist, Models, Jewelry design, Accessory design, Fashion photography, Fashion blogging/columnist.