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                                                              December 28, 2021

December 28, 2021



Ibadan, Oyo. Nigeria [NG]

DLCF, Agbowo District, University of Ibadan

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IGNITION is an inter-state/city to city special hangout for young minds and it poses to establish a connection between purpose, love and relationship as key ingredient to a successful life. It spurs young minds to greatness through exposure to hidden facts about life's purpose as well as relationships.
Ignition is a program whose aim is to instigate youths to a successful life through the teachings of the kingdom.
Her vision is to raise a generation of purpose-driven minds that will understand and build a godly and successful relationships which in turns affects the society positively through the teachings of the kingdom.
 Her mission is to raise a generation into a life of positive impact by inspiring, empowering and mentoring young minds to finding and fulfilling their purpose, reconciling souls back to God, solving relationship issues, laying a solid foundation of purpose, love and relationship through the principles and teachings of the kingdom.